Prints as text the detail on a given experiment along with summarized results (if computed)
This function takes a population of models and makes three plots, feature prevalence in population, feature abundance by class and feature prevalence by class
makeplot = TRUE,
name = "",
ord.feat = "importance",
make.network = TRUE,
network.layout = "circular",
network.alpha = 1e-04,
verbose = TRUE,
pdf.dims = c(width = 25, height = 20),
filter.perc = 0.05,
k_penalty = 0.75/100,
k_max = 0
- pop:
a population of models
- X:
the X dataset where to compute the abundance and prevalence
- y:
the target class
- res_clf:
the results of the classifier as well as the config object
- makeplot:
make a pdf file with the resulting plots (default:TRUE)
- name:
the suffix of the pdf file (default:"")
- ord.feat:
which ordering approch to use for the features (default:importance) in the models, anything else will compute automatic hierarchical ordering based on the manhattan distance
- make.network:
build a network and print it out in the pdf
- network.layout:
the network layout by default is circular (layout_in_circle) and will be a weighted Fruchterman-Reingold otherwise
- network.alpha:
threshold of significance for the network (default:1e-4)
- verbose:
print out informaiton
- pdf.dims:
dimensions of the pdf object (default: c(w = 25, h = 20))
- filter.perc:
filter by prevalence percentage in the population between 0 and 1 (default:0.05)
- k_penalty:
the sparsity penalty needed to select the best models of the population (default:0.75/100).
- k_max:
select the best population below a given threshold. If (default:0) no selection is performed.