Summarize the results from an experiment object
Sumarizes the results of an experiment object of the type `obj$classifier` and `obj$crossval`. This is different from the digestMC(), which sumarizes a model collection obj$models
- obj:
The experiment object resulting from the learning process `fit()`
- penalty:
A coefficient between 0 and 1, which is applied to penalize the performance of models as a consequence of model-size. We use this to select the best model of the population of models (default:NULL)
- best.cv:
Should we chose the best model based on information learnerd cross validation (default:TRUE). This will work if the crossvalidation data is available. If not the best model will be selected with empirical results.
- best.k:
If we do not wish to let the algorithm select the model size, we can fix this by setting the best.k with an integer indicating the number of variables in the model (default:NULL).
- plot:
Should the digested results be plotted ? (default:FALSE)
- omit.na:
Omit data with empty results (default:TRUE)