mergeMeltImportanceCV returns a list of data frames that contain the feature importance of the different learners without any focus on sparsity.
filter.cv.prev = 0.5,
min.kfold.nb = FALSE,
type = "mda",
learner.grep.pattern = "*",
nb.top.features = 25,
feature.selection = NULL,
fixed.order = FALSE,
scaled.importance = TRUE,
make.plot = TRUE,
main = FALSE,
cv.prevalence = TRUE
- list.results.digest:
a list of digest objects one for each learner used. For example, list(res.terda.digest, res.terga.digest, res.terbeam.digest)
- filter.cv.prev:
filter variable for each learner based on the appearence prevalence in the cross validation.
- min.kfold.nb:
wether we should restrict all experiments in the smallest number of k-folds of a comparative analyses (default = FALSE)
- type:
the type of importance "mda (mean decreased accuracy)" or "pda (prevalence decreased accuracy)" (default = mda)
- learner.grep.pattern:
select a subset of learners using a grep pattern (default:"*")
- nb.top.features:
the number of top features to focus on the plot
- feature.selection:
the names of the features to be selected (default:NULL)
- fixed.order:
if the order of features in the plot should follow the feature selection one (default = FALSE)
- scaled.importance:
the scaled importance is the importance multipied by the prevalence in the folds. If (default = TRUE) this will be used, the mean mda will be scaled by the prevalence of the feature in the folds and ordered subsequently
- make.plot:
make a plot for all the learners
- main:
should add the title to the graph for correct alignment (default:FALSE)
- cv.prevalence:
wether or not to plot the distribution of the prevalence of the feature in the top-models for each k-fold in the graph (default:FALSE)