Plots a population of models (or a single model) objects as barplots of scaled coefficients.
Plots an model or a population of models as a barplots, representing each feature, the length being the coefficient
sort.features = FALSE,
sort.ind = NULL,
col.sign = c("deepskyblue1", "firebrick1"),
ncol = 10,
slim = FALSE,
importance = FALSE
- pop:
a population of models to plot
- X:
the data matrix with variables in the rows and observations in the columns
- y:
the class vector
- sort.features:
wether the features need to be sorted by correlation with 'y' or not
- sort.ind:
computing sorting can take time if computed for every model and can be computed outside the function and passed as a parameter
- col.sign:
the colors of the cofficients based on the sign of the coefficients (default: -1=deepskyblue1,1:firebrick1)
- ncol:
number of graphics for each line (default: 10)
- slim:
plot without axis information (default:FALSE)
- importance:
the importance (mda) of the features in crossval