Plots the prevalence of a list of features in the whole dataset and per each class
Plots the prevalence of a given number of features
- features:
a list of features or features indexes for which we wish to compute prevalence
- X:
dataset where to compute the prevalence
- y:
if provided it will also compute hte prevalence per each class (default:NULL)
- topdown:
showing features from top-down or the other way around (default:TRUE)
- main:
main title (default:none)
- plot:
if TRUE this provides a plot, otherwise will return different metrics such as prevalence and enrichment statistics
- col.pt:
colors for the point border (-1:deepskyblue4, 1:firebrick4)
- col.bg:
colors for the point fill (-1:deepskyblue1, 1:firebrick1)
- zero.value:
the value that specifies what is zero. This can be a different than 0 in log transformed data for instance (default = 0)